Tuesday, July 21, 2009

RSS overview

After researching RSS feeds in the classroom I have noticed a couple things. A lot of people are all saying the same thing about Rss feeds. Check out, http://eduscapes.com/sessions/rss/ this is a classroom 2.o blog. Classroom 2.0 a ning site has alot of good discussion on RSS feeds. After you get thru all the sites showing you how to set up and use rss feeds you get to sites that actually use them. When creating a class blog or school blog it just makes sense to have that as a feature. The ease of communication for all parties involved (teacher, parent, administrators, students) is phenomenal. This site gives a good example of how schools are using educating parents and students on how to get started ,http://frisbie.rialtoschools.org/addRssFeed.aspx?type=C&id=f3777309-76df-4968-b51b-8eec60aef081&desc=

1 comment:

  1. RSS is very very important for seo. This can be done by submitting your feeds to appropriate search engines and directories where the best lists are found. The RSS aggregator sites should be pinged every time an update is done to the on-line content. Your feed content can also be syndicated to other web media.

    social media management
